Dr Rajkumar Ranjan Singh(Inner Manipur)

Dr Rajkumar Ranjan Singh



Inner Manipur (Manipur )

Party Name


Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)

Email Address


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Father’s Name

Shri Rajkumar Nilamani Singh

Mother’s Name

Smt. Ningthemcha Ongbi Achoubi

Date of Birth

01 Sep 1952

Place of Birth

Kongba Nandei Bamleikai, Imphal East, Manipur

Marital Status


Date of Marriage

04 Jun 1984

Spouse’s Name

Smt. Chungkham Debala Devi

No. of Sons


No.of Daughters


Educational Qualifications

M.A. (Geography), B.T. & PhD, Educated at Guwahati University, Guwahati, Assam


Teaching, Research

Permanent Address

Kongba Nandeibam Leikai, P.O. Singjamei,
P.S. Irilbung, Distt.- Imphal East,
Tel : (0385) 2459986
09436021753, 08436021753 (M)

Present Address

Bungalow No. 26,
New Moti Bagh Complex,
New Moti Bagh
New Delhi-110021
Tels : 09436021753, 08436021753, 9612548521 (M)

Positions Held


May, 2019

Elected to 17th Lok Sabha

13 Sept. 2019 - 7 July 2021

Member, Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forests

09 Oct. 2019 - 7 July 2021

Member, Rules Committee
Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region

7 July 2021 onwards

Union Minister of State, Ministry of External Affairs; and
Union Minister of State, Ministry of Education

Books Published
(i) Global Environment Concerns, (ii) Hydro-politics of Tipaimukh High Dam, (iii) Constrain in Development in Manipur, (iv) Geo-Manipur Alert, (v) Wetlands of Manipur Vol. 1, (vi) Seismic Awareness in North-East India, (vii) Forest Atlas of Manipur, (viii) Loktak Lake and Manipur Life World
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
Published more than 100 popular Articles in local dailies; Published 25 Research paper on the problems of land use, forest, environment, rivers & lake, mountians of Manipur, causes of Insurgency in Manipur, Border issues of Indo-Myanmar (Manipur Sector) in the National level; Published five research papers in the International Journal about the Trans-boundary rivers, lake and other issues participating discussions on DDK, Imphal AIR & other local TV Channels etc.
Social And Cultural Activities
Working for emotional and cultural integration among the different ethnic communities of both Hills and plains of Manipur in the capacity of General Secy., Manipur Cultural Integration Conference (MCIC) and also editor "Regional Integration" Bilingual Quarterly Journals. Former President, Forward Artist Camp (FACE)
Special Interests
Documentation and conservation of both Natural and Cultural Heritages of Manipur, making awareness for conservation and protection of environment covering Mountain Ecology, Reverine Ecology, Wetlands and State native species of flora and fauna
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Thought sharing of peace making processes in the North-East Region, particularly in the State of Manipur. Organising Nature Camps, Trekking & climbing mountain ranges. Bird watching etc.
Sports and Clubs
Founding Member, Manipur Cannoying & Kayaking Ass, Manipur Cycle Club; President All Manipur Kang Association (a native game)
Countries Visited
Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines and South Africa
Other Information
Lecturer in Geography/Earth sciences, 1973-1984; Asst. Professor-Earth Sciences, 1984- 1985; Dy. Registrar to Registrar, MU, 1985-2012; Director, UGC-ASC & CDC, 2012-2013
State Convenor, Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (BJVJ); Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha (BJGVJ); Member, National Council for Science & Technology Communication, (3 Year), National Geographic UK, Bird Life International, State Wild Life Board, Institute of Bio-resources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Govt. of India; Life Member of INTACH for conservation, Indian Science Congress

General Information

Secretariat Organisation
Rules of Procedure
Handbook for Members
Directions Issued by Speaker

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Contact Us

Manipur Legislative Assembly 
Capitol Project Complex 
Chingmeirong Imphal-795001,
Manipur (INDIA)